QGB2Y Portable Fire Extinguisher Filling Machine is designed for production of fire stopping spray, which is packed in BOV (bag on valve) system.
It combines a Low Pressure Around Valve (LPAV) gasser and a High Pressure Through Valve (HPTV) filler as one unit.
It is air operated and controlled by PLC. Working stations are outfitted with proximity switches to automatically go when containers in place.
- High filling accuracy
- Easy to use and maintain
- Fire stopping sprays with 1" bag valve barrier system (dual compartment system)
Top speed |
Gassing station |
20 CPM (cans per minute) |
Filling station |
13 CPM (cans per minute) |
Applicable can |
height(*) |
70-330 mm |
diameter(*) |
30-65 mm |
Tolerance |
Gassing station |
≤ ± 30 kPa |
Filling station |
≤ ± 1% |
Air working pressure |
5 bar |
Electrical(*) |
220V/50Hz |
(*)Other on demand
==============What's Fire Extinguisher Spray ?=================
Fire extinguishing sprays with the application of BOV (bag-on-valve) system is an example of a useful innovation. As easy as using a common spray, it is an efficient tool for the extinguishing of outbreaking fires in homes, in a car or other places.

The difference of BOV from traditional aerosol constructions lies in the fact that the extinguishing agent is placed in the spray in a special bag, with compressed air between the extinguishing agent and the container. The advantages of Fire Extinguishing Spray with BOV system, compared with other fire extinguishing sprays made with the traditional aerosol construction, are the following:
Extinguishing spray can be used in any position (that is, 360°);
Higher driving-out gas pressure;
The extinguishing agent is emptied evenly until completely consumed;
Lit is possible to empty, that is to use, up to 99.9 % of the extinguishing agent;
Driving-out gas is not emptied together with the content, and so the composition and efficiency of the extinguishing agent is not changed
Complete separation of the extinguishing agent, driving-out gas and container;
The extinguishing agent perfectly protected from contamination and degradation;
No contact between the extinguishing agent and the container, so there is no corrosion of the container;
No contact between the extinguishing agent and driving-out gas;
Generally extended reliability performance and service life of the fire extinguishing spray.